Blog Posts for Adults with ADHD | Thriving with ADHD


 Blog Posts for Adults with ADHD


If you are an adult with ADHD I want you to know you are not alone. I hear you and I get it.

Below is a collection of blog posts I have written just for you. 


Avoiding ADHD Life Hack Overwhelm

Rollercoasters & Egg Shells: ADHD Emotional Dysregulation & Rejection Sensitivity

Stop Being So Impulsive: Look Before You Leap

My Supercharged ADHD Brain

A Request for a Second Chance to Make a First Impression

Wired for Interest

As an Adult with ADHD Are You Your Own Worst Enemy or Your Own Best Friend?

Coming to Terms with ADHD 

You Are No Alone: Adults with ADHD Share Their Stories


Plus the talk I gave at the Western Australian Association for Mental Health on growing up with ADHD.