Thriving with ADHD, ADHD Coach Lou Brown, ADHD Coaching Perth


I dream of a world in which every person with ADHD is understood, embraced and supported. Where information and good quality treatment is easily accessible. And in which individuals with ADHD thrive and flourish, achieve their dreams, and live full and happy lives.

Lou Brown, Doctor of Philosophy (Nursing) Candidate & ADHD Advocate
Perth, Western Australia


Welcome to Thriving With ADHD!

This website and blog is my gift to the ADHD community. It is dedicated with love to everyone whose life has ever been touched by ADHD, especially my son Jack and my partner Iain. 

Please note: I am no longer offering ADHD Coaching and Consultancy services as I have transitioned into full-time Ph.D. studies. My decision was driven by my insatiable desire to advocate for my community and it is in the realm of academia that I feel I can make the biggest impact.


New On The Blog

ADHD Advocacy - Setting the Story Straight

Individuals with ADHD deserve to receive the treatment and support they require in order to develop their strengths and abilities to their full potential, successfully navigate the multiple challenges of busy modern life, and – not just survive – but thrive! For this reason Thriving with ADHD is committed to increasing awareness and understanding around ADHD in the community. To find out more about the ADHD advocacy projects Lou Brown has been involved in, click the link below.
ADHD Advocacy

Free recommended reading