Proudest Mummy Moment Ever | Thriving with ADHD

Proudest Mummy Moment Ever!


As I write this post I’m wondering if you will believe me. It seems too coincidental to possibly be true – but it really did happen and it made me so damn happy.

Yesterday I posted my first blog called, “I’m not trying to be bad.” You can find it here.

Then this happened.

While we were eating our breakfast this morning, I gently reminded Jack to keep eating (as I always have to do as he gets so distracted before his meds start working).

He turned to me and said, “Mum I’m not trying to….” Then he stopped, thought for a moment, and said, “I’m not going to say bad as I know you don’t want me to call myself bad or for me to feel bad about myself. So instead I am going to say forget. I didn’t try to forget.”

I was so proud, my heart swelled up with joy, and had to shower him with the biggest cuddle and lots of praise.

Then he surprised me once more by saying, “Mum I want to be a good role model to all the other kids that have ADHD. If they think they are bad, I can show them were not.”

Well I was just flawed. Who could want more than that?!


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