Wired for interest! | Thriving with ADHD

Wired for Interest!


Let’s face it, those of us with ADHD are wired for interest.

That is, our brains come alive when we find a task, topic or conversation really stimulating. When we are interested we can engage, focus, problem solve and get things done, and we feel much happier in ourselves.

However, when confronted by things we find boring or tedious, our brains literally shut down. No matter how hard we try, it is difficult to achieve anything.


Because maintaining focus and paying attention relies on (amongst other things) adequate amounts of dopamine and noradrenaline to be present in the brain. 

Dopamine is associated with cognitive alertness, and noradrenaline (which is synthesised by dopamine) with vigilant attentiveness.


Individuals with ADHD have been found to have lower levels of dopamine and noradrenaline within the nerve synapses. This is why stimulant medication is so effective in treating ADHD.

Interestingly (hee-hee), interest has been found to increase dopamine levels in the brain, so this one of the reasons why individuals with ADHD are better able to focus and get things done when they are engaged and stimulated.

The message in this – one of the big keys to successfully managing your ADHD as an adult involves designing a life that keeps you motivated, interested & engaged. As doing so will help your brain to function more effectively so you can achieve your goals and really enjoy your life.


Wired for interest! | Thriving with ADHD



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